See some of highlights and  happenings 

EM FilmWorks co working with CineAmsterdam

Our new office is at Witte de Withstraat 6H, Amsterdam

EM FilmWorks new office

Our new office is at Witte de Withstraat 6H, Amsterdam

The remigrant short movie by Astrit Alihadaraj

Em FilmWork co-working with Illyria Films on first short movie of the director / actor Astrit Alihadaraj

RTV-Oost – Gast Ernest Meholli film regisseur


Hanna Verboom krijgt prijs in Kosovo

De speelfilm Gone Back met actrices Hanna Verboom en Karin Jessica Jansen heeft dit weekend de publieksprijs gewonnen op…… Kosovo.

EM FilmWorks Studios, Amsterdam

De Twentse premiere van GONE BACK een film van Ernest Meholli Cast: Astrit Alihajdaraj, Hanna Verboom, Blerim Destani, Karin Jessica Jansen, Refet Abazi, Yinli Titt.

GONE BACK Wins Audience Award at PriFest ‘GONE BACK from Ernest Meholli wins the Audience Award at PriFest – Prishtina International Film Festival

RTV-Oost Ernest Meholli film regisseur

De 34-jarige regisseur en scriptschrijver Ernest Meholli is geboren in Kosovo maar verhuisde eind jaren 90 naar Oldenzaal. Dat is tevens de locatie van zijn meest recente speelfilm ‘Gone Back’. Onder anderen Hanna Verboom en Karin Jessica Jansen spelen mee in dit psychologisch drama.

Film met Hanna Verboom wint prijzen

De film Gone Back is tijdens het AFW Festivall in New York bekroond met twee prijzen. Het drama won de award voor beste film in de competitie, en hoofdrolspeler Astrit Alihajdaraj werd onderscheiden als beste acteur.

EXPRESS - Gone Back Wins in New York

“GONE BACK” wins “The best feature Film” & “The best Actor” at AFW in New York

GONE BACK van Ernest Meholli wint Publieksprijs in Kosovo

De speelfilm GONE BACK van Ernest Meholli met actrices Hanna Verboom en Karin Jessica Jansen heeft dit weekend de Publieksprijs gewonnen op het International Film Festival in Kosovo.

Gone Back Wins in New York

“GONE BACK” wins “The best feature Film” & “The best Actor” at AFW in New York
Thank you animation for GONE BACK the movie

Gone Back nga Ernest Meholli fiton ne AFW ne New York RTV21

Gone Back i Ernest Meholli-it fiton qmimin e ”Filmit me te mire”’ dhe “Aktorit me te mire” ne AFW 2014 ne New York……..

VPRO Cinema

Succes voor Nederlandse films in het buitenland: Gone Back van Ernest Meholli, waarin Hanna Verboom een rol speelt, won tijdens het Albanian Film Week Festival in New York twee prijzen.

Gone Back wins Audience Award

GONE BACK won the AUDIENCE AWARD at PriFest 2013 – Magical moments, BIG THANKS TO THE AUDIENCE – ENJOY

Gone Back wins Best Film Award in New York

Hanna Verboom wint in Kosovo

‘Gone Back’ van regisseur Ernest Meholli gaat over een deserteur die thuiskomt en denkt zijn oude leven weer op te pakken, maar komt erachter…….

EYE International

GONE BACK  by Eye International..


SCENECS International Debut Film Festival


SCENECS International Debut Film Festival

Gone Back

Is a potential Kosovar candidate for Oscars!

Cineuropa - Gone Back from Ernest Meholli

A psychological drama about an army deserter that returns home. He expects to find his life the way he left it, but he finds out …………..

Gone Back in Berlin

Gone Back Special screening in Berlin, during Berlinale

We Want Cinema screening of Gone Back in Berlin during International film festival Berlinale

Albanian Film Week - New York

There is a celebration of Albanian cinema going on these days in New York. Till November 27, the 3rd edition of New York Albanian Film Week is showing about…..

QKK Supports Gone Back

Gone Back ne Kino ABC

Sot premiera e “Gone Back” në kinemanë “ABC”

VPRO - ILIRIANA een film van Ernest Meholli

Nederland 2009. Drama van Ernest Meholli. Met o.a. Astrit Alihajdaraj, Marjolein Ley, Yinli Titt, Filip Bolluyt en Bram Verstegen………

ILIRIANA Wins a Jury Special Mention Award at Doku Fest

DokuFest International Documentary Film Festival in Prizren, Kosovo

Nederlandse Film Festival - ILIRIANA een film van Ernest Meholli

Iliriana, Just When You Think It’s Over, It Begins..

Beeld & Geluid Wiki - Iliriana

Sot premiera e “Gone Back” në kinemanë “ABC”

VISUAL EFFECTS of Red Sea shot movie by Ernest Meholli
Visual Artist Matthijs Joor


– Shooting DJ Antoine’s new music video, Sky Is The Limit, Italy, Zwitserland, Germany, Belgium. Holland

– Ernest Meholli Guest at Telekino RTK (Radio Tv of Kosovo)

– 05.11.2012 ILRIANA by Ernest Meholli in NEW YORK – TRIBECA CINEMAS

– GONE BACK in the last phase

– Pastelle Music – Making documentary about Gone Back music

2012 June in Stuttgart, Germany

2012 Working on sound of the film with Robil & Niels

2012 June Working on Music soundtract of ‘‘GONNE BACK’ with Matteo Taheri

2011 25 / 26 / 27 November Jury member at Swikos short Film festival, Basel

2011 Editing the movie ‘’Gone Back’’

2011 Back in Netherlands, editing the movie

2011 Kosova, guest at RTV21 about ‘GONE BACK

2011 August, Filming few scenes in KOSOVA

2011 KLAN Kosova TV about GONE BACK

2011 Mei, My new feature film is fully in pre-production..

16 January One day Ass.Director on THE BIG ONE of Gabreil Lester film.

17 December 2010 ILIRIANA wil be at Albanian Film Festival of Skopje Macedonia.

06 December 2010 ILIRIANA wins “THE BEST ACTOR” Price at SwiKos Film Festival in Basel, Swiss

-GONE BACK official selected at HOLLYWOOD NORTH FILM FESTIVAL 16 July.
-“GONE BACK” wins “The best feature Film” and “The best Actor” at AFW in New York
-November Festivals / Screening
-AFW, New York, USA. Gone Back opens the festival
-Twentse premiere of Gone Back, Filmhuis Oldenzaal, Stadstheater de Bond
-SCENECS International debut filmfestival, Amersfoort
-TIFF, Tirana international filmfestival
-09 & 11 Nov. Twentse Premiere, DE BOND, Oldenzaal
-GONE BACK wil be screened at Kino ABC in Prishtina Kosovo from 11 September at 18:00. till 17 September 
-GONE BACK, is selected and its a potential Kosovar candidate for Oscars !
-GONE BACK will be screened in Berlin, during the Berlinale film festival 2014. WeWantCinema
-2013 GONE BACK an Ernest Meholli film Won The Audience Award at “Special Screening” on Pri Fest Prishtina International Film Festiva
– Shooting DJ Antoine’s new music video, Sky Is The Limit, Italy, Zwitserland, Germany, Belgium. Holland
– Ernest Meholli Guest at Telekino RTK (Radio Tv of Kosovo) 
– 05.11.2012 ILRIANA by Ernest Meholli in NEW YORK – TRIBECA CINEMAS
– GONE BACK in the last phase
– Pastelle Music – Making documentary about Gone Back music
-2012 June in Stuttgart, Germany 
-2012 Working on sound of the film with Robil & Niels 
-2012 June Working on Music soundtract of ‘‘GONNE BACK’ with Matteo Taheri
-2011 25 / 26 / 27 November Jury member at Swikos short Film festival, Basel
-2011 Editing the movie ‘’Gone Back’’
-2011 Back in Netherlands, editing the movie 
-2011 Kosova, guest at RTV21 about ‘GONE BACK 
-2011 August, Filming few scenes in KOSOVA 
-2011 KLAN Kosova TV about GONE BACK 
-2011 Mei, My new feature film is fully in pre-production..
-16 January One day Ass.Director on THE BIG ONE of Gabreil Lester film.
-17 December 2010 ILIRIANA wil be at Albanian Film Festival of Skopje Macedonia.
-06 December 2010 ILIRIANA wins “THE BEST ACTOR” Price at SwiKos Film Festival in Basel, Swiss


Ernest Meholli
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